John Pevarnek (Pevouarnek) passed away on December 13, 2019. He had been in a group home for 20 years, after a serious car accident. The last couple months he was under hospice care. He would have loved to have attended the last Redeemer class of 1969 reunion, but due to his health problems, and his physical and mental state, he was unable to be there. He had fond memories of school and his classmates. There will not be any services or a viewing.
Patrick "Mac" Deuparo
John ...was a good guy... and a gentle soul... we were in class together throughout grade school... he was soft spoken and reserved... the rat pack always had his back if anybody messed or made fun of him... dear John put in a good word for us still stuck in our crazy politically charged world 🌎 of non-sense and greed.>
Your buddy... rock nose... mac