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•   Linda Jedynak (Sandoval)  5/30
•   Dan Hicks  1/6
•   Kenneth Seguin  11/16
•   Ed Cuschieri  11/10
•   Nemesio Villarruel  8/3
•   Mike Dennisuk  5/23
•   Rick Nowakowski  1/10
•   Elizabeth Munoz (Makara)  1/10
•   Carol McGuire  1/9
•   John Mifsud  12/6
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1 lives in Alabama
1 lives in Arizona
5 live in California
4 live in Colorado
7 live in Florida
1 lives in Georgia
1 lives in Iowa
1 lives in Massachusetts
96 live in Michigan
1 lives in Minnesota
1 lives in Missouri
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2 live in Texas
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1 lives in Wisconsin
1 lives in Nova Scotia
1 lives in Prince Edward Island
35 location unknown
29 are deceased


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•   Jeanne Hogan (Lambros)  10/24
•   Carol McGuire  10/25
•   James Drotar  11/11
•   Eduardo Somensatto  11/12
•   Michael Black  11/15
•   Edward Vella  11/15
•   Mike Dennisuk  11/17


Percentage of Joined Classmates: 59.2%

A:   100   Joined
B:   69   Not Joined
(totals do not include deceased)


Know the email address of a missing Classmate? Click here to contact them!


Holy Redeemer High School
Class Of 1969


Members of our Scholarship Selection Committee, Therese Henri Thorn, John Pavlak and Rick Nowakowski had the opportunity to meet and sit down with our third recipient, Kimberly Garcia on September 27, 2023.  

Kim attended Holy Redeemer Grade School and is following in her older sister's footsteps by attending Detroit Cristo Rey (DCR).  Kim is very focused, is strong academically and plans to become a medical doctor.  She expressed appreciation to the Class of '69 for the scholarship and also shared that her parents are very grateful.  Kim does not know what her work assignment will be yet, but hopes that it will be something in the medical field.  Kim is also active in sports.

Therese shared that she, Rick and John were very impressed with Kim and are happy to call her "ours". As a side note, our 2nd scholarship recipient, Hector Tierrablanca is attending Henry Ford Community College, pursuing a degree in nursing. 

If you haven't had the opportunity to donate to this worthwhile cause, it's never too late.  Just click the link to donate.  When you do, please mention the Class of 69 so that your donation is added to our fund.

John Pavlak, Therese Henri Thorn, Kimberly Garcia, RIck Nowakowski



Detroit Cristo Rey has been working with our classmates who have served on the Scholarship Selection Committee.  We are so pleased to announce that KIMBERLY GARCIA has been selected as our 3rd recipient!  Kimberly was selected for two reasons:  She is academically strong and her family has a financial need.

We will keep you informed of Kimberly's progress and if Committee members have an opportunity to meet her, we will share photos.

We thank our classmates who have continued to support this noble cause since its inception.  Due to your generosity, we have been able to pay the tuition for four years for two students.  Kimberly will be our third student!  Way to go, Class of .69!

If you would like to make a donation and have our class credited for our special account, go to:  When you donate (easier to see on a laptop), please fill in the spot "I want my donation to be dedicated..."  and put in Class of 1969.  Your donation will be added to our fund.  

Here's an example of the success stories at Detroit Cristo Rey...

Thanks to University of Michigan for featuring Esmeralda Hermosillo '19 in their video on the Wolverine Pathways program. Although Esmeralda ended up at Georgetown, we have now sent 15 students to Michigan - with 3 graduates and 12 students on track!


College ready: Wolverine Pathways paved way to higher ed for kids unsure how to get there


College ready: Wolverine Pathways paved way to higher ed for kids unsure how to get there

You can follow Detroit Cristo Rey on their Facebook page:




John Mifsud made a trip back to the D and enjoyed his own trip down memory lane at Redeemer.  He wanted to share his photos with you...enjoy...


The Class of '69 has always been a generous group.  We have been supporting Detroit Cristo Rey with over $26,000 in donations.  Below is a photo from our 50th Class Reunion with one of our recipients, Hector.  Let's not stop this tradition.  Several classmates have continued to give.  Can we count on you?  It's so easy to donate.  Please mention the "Class or '69" when you donate:

Pictured, left to right:  Therese Henri Thorn, Ken Seguin, Ilene Soroka MacDonald, Hector, John Pavlak, Rick Nowakowski


If you haven't updated your profile in the last year, please take a look at it and share!

The Class of '69 SHINES...

How does $25,100 over a six year period sound to you?

The 2020 Scholarship Campaign is drawing to a close.  Detroit Cristo Rey resides in the hallowed halls of Holy Redeemer and  our classmates have not forgotten their roots.  Most of us came from very humble beginnings.  We were blessed to be given an outstanding education at Holy Redeemer, preparing us for the life ahead of us.  Now, 51 years later, classmates continue to give back.  

We have able to provide a four year scholarship for Aron and we are 3/4 through our effort to provide a four year scholarship for Hector.  Our efforts began in 2015.  Rick Nowakowski, John Pavlak, Therese Henri Thorn, Ken Seguin and Ilene MacDonald collaborated with DCR President Michael Khoury to begin a fundraising effort.

Now for the incredible numbers we have been able to collect over 6 years, thanks to the generosity of classmates:  As of today, the Class of 1969 has raised $25,100 for DCR students!  We have given $17,500 in scholarships to date!

This year alone, we have raised an astounding $6,584.33 with 30 classmates! People gave what they could and every penny counted.  Ken Seguin challenged classmates to give as generously as they could, offering to match up to $1,250.  John Polanski accepted the challenge and donated $1,250.  Ken Seguin followed through with his $1,250 contribution. The other $4,084.33 was made by the other 28 classmates.  Below are the names of those who generously donated this year.  It's not too late to have your name added to this list!

Charlie Busuttil

Julie Coury Coffey

Mac Deuparo

Mary-Jo Doran Demars

Tony Duarte

Mari Duffy Barlow

Parice Gavin Katroscik and Ed Katroscik

Karen Hammon Gebhardt

Fr. Dennis Glasgow

Therese Henri Thorn

Algis Kaunelis

Mary Ann Gentner Knight and RIck Knight

Barb Lukasiewicz

Ed McCarthy

Paul Pisani

Kathy McCarthy Pianelli

Carol McGuire

Karen Piotrowski McNamara and Pat McNamara

John Mifsud

Rick Nowakowski

John Pavlak

John Pevarnek (given in his memory by brother Michael)

John Polanski

Mike Pulis

Ken Seguin

Ilene Soroka MacDonald

Phyllis St. Amand Rini

former classmate, Michelle Karl

If you would like to contribute, it's never too late.  Just go to:


Five more individuals donated to our Class of '69 Scholarship Fund! If you haven't donated yet for the Class of '69 Scholarship Fund to help Detroit Cristo Rey student Hector, please consider.

Since we started this noble project in 2015, 39 classmates have donated (out of 198).  Just 22 classmates have contributed this year.

In the last couple days, Michael Pevarnek (in memory of brother John), Mariella Duffy Barlow, Kathy McCarthy Pianelli, Mary-Jo DeMars and once classmate, Michelle Karl generously donated.

See the list below of those who have donated at least once over the last five years. Those in RED donated THIS year and we thank you.

We set August 21st (this Friday) as our deadline. Are you with us?  We will publish our final dollar amount next week.  Please be a part of something bigger than our class.  

Assenmacher, Karen

Darmanin, Andrew

Dennisuk, Mike

Deuparo, Mac*

Doran, Mary-Jo (DeMars)*

Duarte, Anthony*

Duffy, Mariella (Barlow)*

Glasgow, Dennis

Hammon, Karen (Gebhardt)*

Henri, Therese (Thorn)*

Hodges, Kathy (Snyder)

Katroscik, Ed & Patrice (Gavin)

Kaunelis, Al*

Kish, William

Knight, Rick & Mary Ann (Gentner)*

Lachapelle, Joe & Colleen (Donnelly)

Lukasiewicz, Barbara*

Martinez, Judy (Thrash)

McCarthy, Ed*

McGuire, Carol*

McNamara, Pat & Karen (Piotrowski)*

Mifsud, John*

Nowakowski, Rick*

Pavlak, John*

Pevarnek, John (in his memory by brother Michael) *

Pisani, Paul

Podczervinski, Frank & Nancy (Cini)

Polanski, John*


Schulte, Karen (Ladd)

Seguin, Ken *

Somensatto, Ed

Soroka, Ilene (MacDonald) *

St Amand, Phyllis (Rini)*

Former classmate, Michelle Karl*

It's so easy to give! Just click the link below to donate. Please mark your donation "Class of 69".

You can also call 313.402.0081 to donate. You can also mail a check to 5679 W Vernor Hwy, Detroit MI 48209.



A new school year is rapidly approaching for Detroit Cristo Rey (DCR) and our adopted student, Hector. We sponsored Hector with a $2,500 scholarship during both of his first two years.  All who were able to attend our 50th Reunion in September 2019 had an opportunity to meet Hector when he was introduced by DCR President Mike Khoury.  In order to provide Hector with the scholarship for his final two years, we need to raise a total of $5,000.  At a minimum, we need to raise $2,500 for the 2020-2021 school year which is about to start. 

While some of you understandably may feel the financial impact of dealing with the pandemic, others may not be so adversely affected.  If you are financially able to donate (any amount)  during this one-month fundraiser period (to kick-off now and conclude on August 21, 2020), we appreciate your generosity.  Ken Seguin has advised that on the last date of the campaign, he will write a matching check for the largest donation given by a classmate, up to $1,250.00.

John Pavlak, Barb Lukasiewicz, Pat & Karen McNamara, Ed McCarthy, Rick Nowakowski,  Therese Henri Thorn and Karen Hammon Gebhardt already generously donated!

As you are probably aware, donations to DCR are tax-deductible.  You can make a donation by mailing a check (notated as "Class of 1969 Scholarship") to DCR at: 

Detroit Cristo Rey High School

Attn:  Scholarship Office

5679 W. Vernor Highway

Detroit, MI 48209

If you prefer to make a donation electronically, simply go to the DCR website or (click below) and be sure to add the "Class of 1969 Scholarship"  notation in the space provided on the site.

Give Now! – Support – Detroit Cristo Rey High School



Give Now! – Support – Detroit Cristo Rey High School

Detroit Cristo Rey High School serves 9-12th grade students and is located in Detroit, MI.


Thanks to all of you in advance for whatever financial support you are able to give.


Class of 1969 Scholarship Committee

RIck Nowakowski

John Pavlak

Ken Seguin

Therese Henri Thorn

Ilene Soroka MacDonald



Click the "50th Reunion Pics"

at the top left to

see some initial photos...more to come!




The Class of '69 has generously donated funds to support the tuition of a Detroit Cristo Rey student.  Aron Lecea will be graduating this year, FIFTY YEARS since we graduated from Redeemer.  Therese Henri Thorn joined John Pavlak and Rick Nowakowski to enjoy lunch with Aron.  Below is Therese's recap of the event:

Rick Nowakowski, John Pavlak and Therese Thorn met for lunch on April 11th with Mike Khoury, Detroit Cristo Rey President/CEO and Aron Lecea, our student that the Class of “69 has sponsored for his 4 years of high school. Aron can’t believe how quickly his high school years have flown by and he is ever grateful for the support and opportunity our Class has given him.  Aron plans to attend Henry Ford Community College for the next 2 years and then transfer to University of Michigan Dearborn to study engineering.  Over the past 4 years, Aron has participated in Detroit Cristo Rey’s Corporate Work/Study program with Adient, an automotive seating systems and component supplier and plans to remain in contact with them going forward. 

Aron is currently participating in the “Detroit Mercy” (Detroit Cristo Rey and University of Detroit Mercy) Dual Enrollment program.  This program is allowing Aron the opportunity to enroll in college courses during his Senior year. He praises the value of this program because he is treated as a college student and is understanding that, going forward, his success is dependent upon his personal commitment.

When asked what he believes DCR does very well, Aron cited the Dual Enrollment program as most effective in preparing students for their future college and career experiences.  When asked where DCR could improve, Aron noted that he would have liked more than one year of Physical Education.  Not being able to participate in sports because of family responsibilities and other commitments, Aron found that PE helped him deal with stress which made is Junior year more enjoyable. 

Aron is a great young man, mature, poised and looking forward to his next steps. We are proud that he has persevered at Detroit Cristo Rey and feel very confident that he will be successful in life.  

We plan to continue this program and hope that you will answer the call to help a worthy Detroit Cristo Rey student.  




Anyone remember this song being played at a district champ basketball game by the opponents before the game started? The game was at Divine Child...our mighty Lions were not below...





It's not a surprise that the amazing Class of '69 stepped up to the plate and provided donations to allow "Aron" to complete his senior year at Detroit Cristo Rey for the 2018-2019 school year.  When we were in high school we beat everyone in spirit and despite almost 50 years, we've still got it.  

Thanks to 22 of you, we have collected $4,069!  Given our goal was $2,500, that is incredible.  To those who donated, thank you.  For those of you who wanted to give but let it slip by, we still need you.  There are several classmates who have donated in the past that have yet to contribute.  It's not too late!

It's sooo easy to donate. Just go to Please mark in the box "I want my donation to be dedicated" "CLASS OF '69".

Many thanks to Ken Seguin, who challenged classmates by pledging to match the highest donation up to $1,000.  Rick Nowakowski (who regularly volunteers his time at Cristo Rey and regularly donates) accepted Ken's challenge and beat all others.  Thanks to both of these classmates.  It's rewarding to see the generosity of our classmates.  Not everyone has the ability to make large donations but no matter how small, every single dollar counts.  It costs far more to educate a student at Detroit Cristo Rey than the $2,500 we contribute.  The additional monies we have collected will continue to serve the Cristo Rey community in future years.

Here are the classmates who have generously donated this year:

1.  Andrew Darmanin
2.  Mike Dennisuk
3.  Mac Deuparo
4.  Mary Jo Doran Demars
5.  Mari Duffy Barlow
6.  Dennis Glasgow
7.  Therese Henri Thorn
8.  Ed Katroscik
9.  Patrice Gavin Katroscik
10.  Barbara Lukasiewicz
11. Ed McCarthy
12. Carol McGuire
13. Patrick McNamara
14. Karen Piotrowski McNamara
15. John Mifsud
16. Rick Nowakowski
17. John Pavlak
18. Michael Pulis
19. Ken Seguin
20. Ilene Soroka MacDonald
21. Phyllis St Amand Rini
22. Catherine Hudak (class supporter)
23. Karen Hammon Gebhardt

Classmates join Aron

for lunch at Detroit Cristo Rey

John Pavlak, Therese Henri Thorn, Aron and Rick Nowakowski enjoyed lunch together at Redeemer on May 4th.  Aron updated them on his school goals and progress.  John, Therese and John enjoyed reminiscing at the Big RE.  




The Class of '69 came through again. We collected $2,826, $326 over our goal.
Thanks to our generous donors who prove that our class still rocks!  We can proudly say that we are able to pay for Aron's tuition for the third year at Detroit Cristo Rey.  Congratulations.
Therese Henri Thorn
Mary-Jo Doran DeMars
John Mifsud
Mariella Duffy Barlow
Barb Lukasiewicz
Ed McCarthy
Karen Piotrowski and Pat McNamara
Ken Seguin
John Pavlak
Ilene Soroka MacDonald
Carol McGuire
Michelle Karl
Catherine Hudak (Barb Lukasiewicz's sister who was inspired with Cristo Rey story)
Karen Hammon Gebhardt
Karen Assenmacher
Eduardo Somensatto
Tony Duarte
Ed and Patrice (Gavin) Katroscik
Kathy Snyder

Nancy (Cini) and Frank Podczervinski

Rick Nowakowski

Algis Kaunelis

William Kish

Phyllis St. Amand Rini

You can still donate... Please mark your donation for the Class of 69. If you can't mark it or forgot, just email and we will get it earmarked for our fund.



For the last two years, Class of '69 members generously donated over $2,500 (each year) to pay for a Cristo Rey student's tuition.  We asked again last month for classmates to open their wallets and their hearts for a Cristo Rey students.  Our focus has been on "Aron", who is successfully completing his sophomore year at Cristo Rey.

Therese Henri Thorn, John Pavlak, Rick Nowakowski, and Ilene Soroka MacDonald had the privilege of meeting Aron and sharing a lunch with him at Cristo Rey.  We also had an opportunity to tour the Big RE and reminisce.  It looks very familiar when you walk down the hallways.  What was not familiar was the cafeteria which has been completely renovated.  The library now looks more like a computer lab.  Walls are not lined with books but it was still filled with students seeking knowledge, just in a different way. 

Aron with Ilene, Rick, Therese and John looking at our 1969 Class Yearbook

We need you!  It costs far more than $2,500 to educate one student for one year at Cristo Rey (opened in 2008 in our Holy Redeemer High School building under the direction of the Basilian Fathers and Immaculate Heart of Mary Sisters).  The students work one day a week at a job placement.  According to the school, "Our students get up before dawn every day to arrive to school on time and keep pace with a rigorous academic schedule. This year they will earn $2,100,000 toward the cost of their education by working in more than 80 businesses throughout metro Detroit."  Additionally, many other philanthropic efforts are in place to make it financially possible for students to attend.   Classmate Rick Nowakowski volunteers one day a week at the school in addition to supporting many fundraising events.  John Polanski has also been very involved in supporting the school financially.

Our cafeteria renovated!

Did you know that Detroit Cristo Rey has 100% College Acceptance for its graduating seniors this year?  Incredible! This is the fifth year in a row and 90% of those students are still enrolled in college the following year.  This is far above the national average.


We Did It!!!

Congratulations to the Class of '69 for once again coming through for a cause.  Because of the generosity of the classmates listed below, we have been able to provide tuition coverage for sophomore student, Aron. Our goal was $2,500 but we exceeded our expections with $2,850!

If you meant to donate but life got in the way, we still need contributions and they will be added to our account for next year.  

Thanks to classmates Therese Henri Thorn, Rick Nowakowski, John Pavlak, Ken Seguin and Ilene MacDonald for spearheading this effort.  Thanks to Mike Khoury, Director at Detroit Cristo Rey for his help and diligence.  

Mariella (Duffy) Barlow

Mary-Jo (Doran) Demars

Tony Duarte

Michelle Karl

Barb Lukasiewicz

Karen (Hammon) Gebhardt

Algis Kaunelis

Colleen (Donnelly) and Joe Lachapelle

Ilene (Soroka) MacDonald

Ed McCarthy

Carol McGuire

Karen (Piotrowski) and Pat McNamara

John Mifsud

Rick Nowakowski

John Pavlak

Paul Pisani

Nancy (Cini) and Frank Podczervinski

Phyllis (St. Amand) Rini

Ken Seguin

Ed Somensatto

Therese (Henri) Thorn

Judy (Martinez) Thrash

Here is the link to make a contribution online or information for sending a contribution via US Mail (make sure you indicate it is for the Class of '69):

Sad News About Coach McCartney

"We would like to share the news that our father, Coach Bill McCartney has been diagnosed with late-onset Dementia/Alzheimer's. We (his family) have been noticing memory issues for the past few years and he was recently diagnosed. He is receiving treatment and we are hoping this slows the progression of the disease. He is still the same Coach Mac - biking, golfing, supporting the Buff's and being an active member of his church."
"We are making this public to ask for your understanding and patience as we know he frequently runs into fans, friends and former players. This is a frustrating and confusing disease, and if he appears disconnected or unknowing, please don't take it personally."
"Please keep Coach Mac in your thoughts and prayers as we navigate through this difficult time."
"The McCartney Family"




Last year, many Class of '69 members generously donated over $2,500 to pay for a Cristo Rey student's tuition.  We are asking YOU once again to open your hearts and open your wallets to help a deserving student experience a Catholic education at Detroit Cristo Rey. 

We need you!  It costs far more than $2,500 to educate one student for one year at Cristo Rey (opened in 2008 in our Holy Redeemer High School building under the direction of the Basilian Fathers and Immaculate Heart of Mary Sisters).  The students work one day a week at a job placement.  Dollars earned go towards their education.  Additionally, many other philanthropic efforts are in place to make it financially possible for students to attend.  We were able to pay for the tuition of "Aron" this year.  Aron is successfully completing his freshman year at Cristo Rey. 

Did you know that Detroit Cristo Rey has 100% College Acceptance for its graduating seniors this year?  Incredible!

How do you donate?  Click the link below and please mark on your donation that it is from the "Class of 1969".  We will keep track of our donations and post them on our website.  Let's surpass last year's donations of $2,644.  We can do this!  



Holy Redeemer Memorabilia Goldmine!

Kathy Suchyta (class of '66 and sister of Greg Suchyta) has made a website of Holy Redeemer memorabilia. Many items have been taken from school newspapers, yearbooks, etc. These were items she salvaged when the school closed. Thank you, Kathy!


Stay tuned!

Despite the meager turnout, we had a great time reminiscing about the Big RE!

Left to right:  Algirdas Norkunas, Ilene Soroka MacDonald, John Pavlak, Dan Campbell, Dennis Glasgow and Dennis' friend, Fr. Jack Quinlan