Posted on: Jan 06, 2025 at 11:40 AM
Happy Birthday, Allison! Hope your day is perfect.
Happy Birthday, John. Hope your day is perfect!
Happy Birthday Anthony! Call me 313-5200801
Happy birthday John!!
Carol and I along with other Redeemer classmates attended Good Shepherd together since first grade. Carol and I were always in the same class. We were in grade school and high school choir together, school plays (she the lead, me a bit part). My Dad took us to Redeemer each day and we took the city bus home. We lived three blocks apart and so when it was time to get a real job, we searched together. We were hired at Sears on the same day in November1967.
Carol attended our 50th Class Reunion in 2019, coming from North Carolina with her husband Charlie (who she met at Sears!).
I will never forget her gentle ways. Now she's singing with the angels and her late sister Martha is accompanying her on the piano.
Until we meet again, dear friend...
Carol was always such a sweet person from our earliest days at Christ the Good Shepherd Grade School, Lincoln Park. Smart and happy. It was fun to share time with her in our Holy Redeemer Choral and in a couple musicals there. Now I see her (and hear her) in the soprano section of the heavenly chorus, directed by our beaming Redeemer music director, Sr. Mary Georgelin, IHM. Her special favorite: “All Creatures of our God and King! Lift up your voice and with us sing…O praise Him! Praise Him! Praise Him! — O Praise Him!” (Prayer of St. Francis) I’m offering a Mass of praise for Carol and for her family's comfort in their loss.
I am so sorry to hear of the passing of Carol. Her family is in our thoughts and prayers.
Your writing is beautiful. The memories you share are so vivid and unique. A pleasure to read.
Thank you for sharing them,
Beautiful thoughts and memories Mac and Linda. Rest in peace Jerry. Praying ?? for his family and loved ones.
Such sad news, especially at Christmas time. May you rest in heavenly peace, Jerry. Condolences to your family especially on this day of Christmas and throughout the new year. Hey Mac, thanks for such a noble tribute to Jerry! Dennis
Happy Birthday and many more!
Happy Birthday and many more!

Posted on: Aug 25, 2023 at 5:53 AM
Happy birthday Greg! I hope you have an amazing day!!
HappyBirthday Compadre! ! better late than neaer!