Rick Zamojski

Profile Updated: February 10, 2014
Secondary Address Brighton, MI
Occupation: Banking
Yes! Attending Reunion
Street Address

11790 Pine Mountain Dr.

City, State, Zip

Brighton, MI 48114


May 4, 1951


Jackie 35 years old(living in Dallas), Jeanne 33 years old (living in Omaha, NE), and Rick 31 years old (living in Philadelphia, PA). All graduates of MSU.



Where else have you lived?

Dearborn Heights, MI

Married? Attached? To whom? When? How long?

Married for 38 years to Sherry (Wisser)

Still have family around Detroit?

Father is 92 years old and still lives in Allen Park. My sister, Elaine lived with her husband, John Emig (both class of 1966), until she passed away in 2011.

Do you still see/talk to/hang out with other classmates? Who?


What is keeping you busy (work, hobby, volunteering, family)?

Mostly working.

Favorite place to go?


High points of your life since high school?

Chairman and CEO of Sterling Bank & Trust, Southfield, MI 1990-96.

Formed a start up commercial bank, Michigan Heritage Bank, Farmington Hills, MI with an initial public offering (IPO) that generated $14 million in capital. Chairman and CEO from 1997-2006.

Presently, President and COO of First Independence Bank, Detroit, MI.

Places you want to go?

Would like to go back to Hawaii some day.

Favorite sport(s), hobby(ies), book, music, movie?

Enjoy playing golf.

How old do you feel?

my age

Favorite teacher?

Tie between Sr. Ellen Mary and Sr. Mary Roderick (they came to all the basketball games)

What's your favorite memory at Redeemer?

Participating in sports, especially basketball.

Anything else we should know?

Thankful for the education we received. We all left school pretty well grounded in the basics of reading, writing and arithmetic. It provided a great foundation for the rest of our lives.

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Rick Zamojski has a birthday today.
May 04, 2024 at 4:33 AM
Rick Zamojski has a birthday today.
May 04, 2023 at 4:33 AM
Rick Zamojski has a birthday today.
May 04, 2022 at 4:33 AM
Rick Zamojski has a birthday today.
May 04, 2021 at 4:33 AM
Rick Zamojski has a birthday today.
May 04, 2020 at 4:35 AM
Rick Zamojski has a birthday today.
May 04, 2019 at 4:33 AM
Rick Zamojski has a birthday today.
May 04, 2018 at 4:33 AM
May 04, 2017 at 10:34 AM

Happy Birthday and many More!!! Algirdas Norkunas

Rick Zamojski has a birthday today.
May 04, 2017 at 4:33 AM
Rick Zamojski has a birthday today. New comment added.
May 04, 2016 at 3:55 PM

Posted on: May 04, 2016 at 4:33 AM

Rick Zamojski has a birthday today.
May 04, 2015 at 4:33 AM
Rick Zamojski updated profile. View. New comment added.
Feb 11, 2014 at 9:39 AM

Posted on: Feb 10, 2014 at 11:46 AM